I think I can officially state that Cole is through with taking afternoon naps. He’s been going in and out for the last couple of months, but a strong pattern has since emerged and he now consistently fights through it. But, the poor kid is so tired by the end of the day and it is painful to watch his obvious angst. He gets terribly giddy, has a very hard time focusing on anything, and inevitably will fall and hurt himself in one way or another. Not anything that would be considered an injury, but he’ll bump into, fall off, or trip over something, and sometimes all that and then some; usually the cause will be something he knows he shouldn’t be doing in the first place. It’s a frustrating cycle, but one I know he will slowly work out of. In the meantime, we’re staying home most afternoons and evenings and just doing what we can to help him through it. I miss the peaceful afternoons, but every day he is getting better at staying in his room, reading books, and doing quiet things. He was such a great napper—I still can’t believe it’s all over!