A couple of months ago, Franny expressed an interest in taking ballet class at OGA rather than at her school. After much persistence on her part, we signed her up and she had her first session this week. It was nice for me to be able to see her dance—her other class didn’t like parents to watch because they felt it was a distraction to the students. There were only three girls in this new class, but I was impressed with how graceful and poised Franny was. I always knew she was very athletic, but not only did she have very good form but she moved like a dancer, and not just a little girl doing ballet moves. I was disappointed in that one of the other students was a big disruption—with only three of them, one can really upset the learning atmosphere. It made me very proud to watch Franny respond to the teacher throughout it all and do a very good job. And, it reaffirmed in my mind to always respect Franny’s growing or waning interests. Although I don’t think she would ever act like this little girl, her time is valuable, and she knows best what is the most fun for her. I was wondering if after this session she would want to go back to her school class, but she stayed by her decision to start something new. She is such a wonderful little girl—and a wonderful little ballerina, too!