Rick’s evening homecoming is a big deal for Franny and Cole, who always give him the most enthusiastic and love-filled welcome. He is almost always gone in the morning before anyone is even out of bed; yet, every morning the first thing Franny asks when she gets up is Did Daddy go to work? Cole will ask throughout the day when Daddy will be home, and now Delaney has a big “Daddy grin” that she gets when he picks her up when he gets home. He is always thrilled to see them, as well. I am always amazed at how he immediately makes them his central focus, even after working the long days that he does. This evening, when he got home, they came running down the hall to meet him; he hadn’t been home even a minute before they asked if he would read them a book. Without even taking off his coat or shoes, he sat down to read them all their book. It’s no wonder they adore him!