First foods

Posted by Trina Rae Saturday, January 9, 2010

Delaney’s interest in rice cereal is lukewarm at best—two or three spoonfuls and she is done.  I don’t know if it’s the flavor, the bland color, or the texture, but she is just not into it.  She does, however, notice all the other food around her, and is interested in those and will grab anything in her reach.  Earlier this week, she tried repeatedly to grab Cole’s toast and complained and cried when he wouldn’t give it to her.  When I tried to give her some cereal, she cried even harder.  It wasn’t until I made her some toast, cut it into strips that she could hold and suck on, that she was finally content.  And amazingly, she did manage to slowly eat it and more.  Tonight, it was mashed up black beans that she would suck off the end of my finger.  She could almost pick them up herself, but not quite.  Franny liked feeding her some, as well.  What next?  Anyone’s guess is as good as mine.  We will continue with the cereal and soft foods, but any other food that she is interested in and that I can make safe for her, we will allow her to try.  I think the adventure has just begun!


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