Delaney visited the Portland Children’s Museum with her cousins and siblings just weeks ago. Today, we returned as a family, and what a difference those short weeks make! She was much more alert to her surroundings and very interested in looking, touching, and (if we had let her)tasting everything. Part of it was my being able to have my attention focused on her to see how she reacted to things and then being able to respond to that, but the largest part was just that she is a maturing baby. It’s so much fun to see these changes. They seem so tiny and gradual and then—almost overnight—there’s a huge leap in her development. In addition to milestones, her chatter, alertness, reactions, gestures, and general involvement in her surroundings is fascinating—everyday is different and being able to watch it is such a gift. And there is so much to come—I can’t wait!